Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Confessions of a Single Mom

I must confess some things, because if I don't my head will get all clogged up with the things that I can never say out loud.

First - I love Monkey, and wouldn't give her up to save my life, but God help me. She is DRIVING ME INSANE. She's going through her Terrible 2's and hasn't even made it to TWO. She may not make it either...... (I joke, I kid).

Second - Some days I absolutely love the fact that I'm a single parent - I don't have to compromise on my parenting with anyone. She'll be raised the way *I* want her to be raised.

Third - I've let her go 2 or 3 days with out bathing her. She wasn't really dirty, and I was just flat tired.

Fourth - I may have ruined her. She spends ALL day with me, and her last 2 waking hours are spent with my parents. How am I ever going to get her to go to daycare?

Fifth - I buy her WAY too much stuff. Seriously, I still buy her something every time I go to the store, be it clothes, toys, or some special snack.

Sixth - I put her up for sale on my other blog (not for real, so you can stop freaking out now, and you can hang up the phone with the children's services people). Go see.

Um......I don't see this list ending any time soon, so I'll stop now. To be continued later.....

1 comment:

Yeager Family said...

Guilty of #1, 3, 4. Have yet to do #6. The day will come, I know it will. :)